Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hectic Day...over stressed

Original Post: 02/16/2011
So it is mid month and I am a day late getting everyone their heartworm preventatives...yesterday was jam packed so I scheduled it for today. It is SO hectic trying to get Ivermectin into the mouth of 11 dogs...the Ivermectin tastes bad, so they don't like it. But, man it is SO much cheaper than buying Heartguard. For the price of 3 months of Heartguard for ONE dog, I can buy enough of the active ingredient Ivermectin for 20 dogs for a year. When you are on a budget, that is what you by being on a budget, I get to wrestle 11 Pit Bulls to give them their Heartworm prevention. LOL!

I also noticed that some of the dogs have runny poo...yes, those of us in rescue watch the poo carefully. So, I mixed up some Albon and dosed everyone. I am so paranoid about them getting Coccidiosis. Coccidia is SUCH an easy thing for them to spread around, and healthy dogs can carry it without showing any symptoms. It has been referred to as an opportunistic disease, that means that it strikes when a dog is stressed or their immune system is already down. I mix it with a supplement that tastes like bananas, it is a bit easier to get them to take the Albon than the Ivermec, that's for sure...(-: 

So, I am dead tired after exercising everyone, rotating everyone, getting medicine passed out, and updating records. WHEW....all in a days work. (And, I don't get paid for it, in fact I usually get to buy the meds out of my own's that for a deal!) Now, if I could get some fosters to help out, then I would be set. Think about wrestling with just one dog for 5-10 minutes to give them shots, check them over and get them whatever medicine they need. Now multiply that by 11...not to mention that it takes at least 5 minutes in between to rotate them and get them situated. Doesn't seem so bad to just foster 1, now does it? (-:

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